Medium-sized sandpiper
Short, thick, yellow legs
Finely streaked face
Dark eye line
White eye ring
Longish, straight, black bill
Heavily barred underparts
Non-breeding:Gray breast
White belly
Listen to its call.
After enjoying a cup of tea at the Ogden Point Cafe this afternoon, I went for a short stroll along the breakwater. Being a long weekend, the area was bustling with activity: people on the walkway, divers in the water and shorebirds at the water's edge. I was taking pictures of a group of Black Turnstones on the rocks below when my husband drew my attention to this bird. It was bobbing along the ledge on the outside of the breakwater, moving surprisingly quickly. If it hadn't stopped at regular intervals to probe for food, I would have had to take up jogging just to keep up with it. Thankfully, I didn't have to go to those extremes to get these pictures.
Learn more about the Wandering Tattler.