Anas discors
Small dabbling duck
Medium-sized, dark bill
Pale blue shoulder patch, visible in flight
Green speculum with white leading edge
Male (winter plumage):
Blue-gray head with darker cap
White crescent on
face in front of eye
Scaled buff and dark brown upperparts
Buff breast and flanks with darker spotting
White band at rear portion of flanks
Black undertail coverts
Female / Male (summer plumage):
Pale head
Dark crown and eye line
Pale eye ring and loral spot
Mottled gray-brown body with darker back
Listen to its
I saw this duck at Summit Reservoir earlier this week surrounded by a large number of Wigeons, Mallards and Buffleheads. From what I've read, it is unusual to see one of these ducks at this time of year. Most of them are gone from the province by mid-October, having migrated to warmer climates.
Learn more about the
Blue-winged Teal.